Online Counselling and Therapy - uRs mindFully

Counselling or Therapy is a process where we help you deal with your personal and interpersonal issues. Counselling or therapy also helps you to examine how to tap into your existing resources or develop new ones to enhance your life and overall well-being.

We help clients in dealing with Emotional and Mental health issues like Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Loneliness, Anger, Low Confidence, Trauma and Financial Worries.

Our Online Counselling and therapy can help you in,

  • Identifying your triggers.
  • Becoming self-aware of your patterns of thoughts, behaviours, and feelings.
  • Recognising ways in which those toxic patterns affect your life. 
  • Discovering the deep-rooted causes responsible for your Issues.
  • Addressing the root cause, symptoms, and the consequences of your issues.

The support, guidance, and practical tools we provide through counselling and therapy sessions, help you become Emotionally Stronger, Resilient and Calmer in handling life.

Schedule a free 15 minutes call with us!