Occupational Wellness - uRs mindFully

Occupational Wellness

Occupational Wellness is personal satisfaction and enrichment derived from your career or business.

Occupational wellness involves having a fulfilling and enriching occupation, which can be your academics, profession or business. A common cause of stress for many people is their demanding jobs. Striking the right work-life balance is extremely important for your overall health and occupational wellness. The first step to achieving occupational wellness is doing a job that you enjoy and are passionate about. It is also important to have a positive work environment and be surrounded by people who support you and your goals.

Some of the Healthy behaviours for Occupational wellness includes:

  • Deriving personal satisfaction from your occupation
  • Learning from your mistakes and moving forward
  • Learning to communicate effectively with other people
  • Striking a right balance between work and leisure
  • Setting clear career goals and planning for the future
  • Challenging societal expectations and fighting against barriers (e.g., barriers for women and different ethnicities in the workplace)
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