Environmental Wellness - uRs mindFully

Environmental Wellness

Environmental Wellness is a state of maintaining a pleasant, clean and stimulating environment that supports your well-being.

Environmental wellness refers to being surrounded by a nurturing and healthy environment and also being aware and respectful of the environment around us. The environment around you can significantly impact how you feel. There are various layers to your environment including your home, immediate community, the city you live etc. When it comes to home, living in an environment that is free of clutter and is soothing to your eyes can significantly improve your feeling of overall well-being. For example, people who live in countries that have a lot of rain and cloudy days might suffer from seasonal affective disorder which will affect their overall wellness. It is very important to be in an environment that does not limit our potential to be our best version and must be conducive to our goals.

Some of the Healthy behaviours for Environmental wellness includes:

  • Ensure to maintain a clean, tidy and de-cluttered space at home
  • Use eco-friendly products and reduce pollution in possible ways
  • Follow the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
  • Having a peaceful home environment
  • Involvement in activities to keep your community clean and in liveable conditions.
  • Being aware of climate change and how we impact the environment
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