Spiritual Wellness - uRs mindFully

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness is expanding your sense of purpose and meaning in your life. Finding your IKIGAI and working on it can enhance your spiritual and overall well-being.

Spiritual wellness involves creating a sense of purpose and meaning in life based on your personal beliefs and values. Spiritual health also involves connection with nature, spending time in solitude, self-reflection, meditation and prayer. Usually spiritually healthy individuals have strong values, a feeling of inner peace and meaning in life. They would have reached a self-actualisation stage as per Maslow’s hierarchy.

Some of the Healthy behaviours for Spiritual Wellness includes:

  • Discovering your values, principles and beliefs
  • Helping others who are in need
  • Accepting others for who they are
  • Having a greater purpose and finding meaning in your life
  • Taking time for yourself and embracing silence and solitude
  • Making time for activities that enhance your sense of connection to yourself, to nature and to others
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