Emotional Wellness - uRs mindFully

Emotional Wellness

Emotional Wellness is a state of being able to cope effectively with your emotions, being satisfied with your life and relationships

Emotional wellness involves being emotionally aware, being able to cope effectively with the daily stresses of life and having a healthy relationship with yourself and others. People with healthy emotional wellness have control over their feelings and behaviour and practise healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with difficult situations. Building Emotional resilience allows you to overcome the hurdles of life and become more confident.

Some of the Healthy behaviours for Emotional wellness includes:

  • Having healthy relationships
  • Being Emotionally resilient
  • Being aware of your feelings
  • Having a positive self-image
  • Being able to ask for help and seeking professional support when required
  • The ability to express a wide range of emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, joy, fear, frustration, gratitude, etc
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