Yours Mindfully - Holistic Wellness

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Caring for the Mind, Body and Soul

Holistic Wellness

“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.”

Holistic health is not merely the absence of disease, it is a state of complete well-being. Holistic wellness is an approach that explores all aspects of an individual’s wellness including mind, body, soul, relationships and life as a whole. This approach helps us to understand and tend to the intricate connections that make up our entire being.

Holistic Wellness is

built on these 8 key dimensions that contribute to an individual's overall health and well-being.

Spiritual Wellness

Whether it in the context of a marriage is the space for two people to interact with the counsellor to explore.

Intellectual Wellness

Whether it in the context of a marriage is the space for two people to interact with the counsellor to explore.

Environmental Wellness

Where a group of people meet regularly to discuss, interact, and explore problems with each other leader.

Occupational Wellness

We Focuses on the kids, young children,teens, and adolescents with one or more mental illnesses

Financial Wellness

A personal opportunity to receive support and experience growth during challenge times in life.

Emotional Wellness

We have all experienced feelings that we did not wish to feel. all know how painful it can be to dwell

Physical Wellness

A personality disorder involves a lasting pattern of emotional unstable behavior that causes problems.

Why Is Holistic Wellness Important?

It is important to nourish and focus on all 8 dimensions of Holistic wellness wheel: Physical, Emotional, Financial, Occupational, Environmental, Social, Intellectual and Spiritual. All of these dimensions are connected to each other and impact each other. When one area suffers, other areas can suffer too. When you thrive in one area, other areas will thrive too.

Taking a holistic approach and implementing changes accordingly also promotes healing and prevention of diseases or disorders. Hence to be happy, healthy and fulfilled, it is important to identify your wellness needs in each dimension and ensure all your needs are fulfilled.

Schedule a free 15 minutes call with us!